pe­ter.christo­[email protected]

Along El So­cor­ro Road, sev­er­al busi­ness spaces have fold­ed since the be­cause of the im­pact of the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic.

The road con­tains sev­er­al build­ings of­fer­ing spaces for rent to busi­ness­es, of­fices and fac­to­ries, many of which have be­come va­cant.

One busi­ness own­er, Alex Chris­t­ian of De­ja Brew Cafe, has been de­ter­mined not to be­come one of them.

“My busi­ness was opened in 2019, and I am a start-up. For a start-up to be tran­si­tion­ing in­to COVID, it has re­al­ly im­pact­ed me,” she said.

The busi­ness had been work­ing on es­tab­lish­ing its pres­ence when the pan­dem­ic hit, caus­ing the cof­fee shop which spe­cialis­es in con­ti­nen­tal style break­fast, to come to a screech­ing halt.

“The months that we were closed down com­plete­ly, there was no mon­ey, no mon­ey to even pay rent or even pay my­self, my work­ers…every­body had to go home,” said Chris­t­ian.

“Ba­si­cal­ly we had close down. We start back again, I got help. I thank God that I got help from fam­i­ly, from friends, close friends, and it (was) very chal­leng­ing.”

The re-open­ing was far from smooth.

Chris­t­ian told Guardian Me­dia that at some points, some­times on­ly one cup of cof­fee would be sold as sur­round­ing of­fices were closed due to the ini­tial lock­down.

Even with some re­lax­ation of the re­stric­tions, there has been a sig­nif­i­cant de­cline in the stream of cus­tomers to the shop.

“Our trac­tion is no longer how much we used to get as a new cof­fee house in El So­cor­ro area.

“It has dropped tremen­dous­ly,” she said.

Her busi­ness has tried var­i­ous strate­gies to keep afloat, open­ing in the evening to sell burg­ers and even adding Sun­day lunch to their menu to bring in busi­ness.

She hopes these ad­just­ments, along with in­creased so­cial me­dia ad­ver­tis­ing will keep the cof­fee shop buoy­ant in an oth­er­wise dis­mal eco­nom­ic space.

“I’m just re­al­ly hop­ing the peo­ple will come out and sup­port,” said Chris­t­ian.

Read the original article here