On 28 March, the government of Antigua and Barbuda released a maritime traffic advisory in response to the significant increase in confirmed cases of COVID-19 infections and in an effort to prevent the spread of the virus into and within the borders of Antigua and Barbuda. 

“The Government has taken the decision that, effective Saturday 28th March 2020 at 11:59 PM EST, all inbound pleasure crafts (motorized and sailing yachts), passenger vessels and ferries will be denied entry into Antigua and Barbuda for a period of fourteen (14) days in the first instance,” the advisory stated.

“During the State of Emergency all cruise permits already issued to visiting yachts are now restricted only to the coastal waters of Antigua and shall cease to apply to coastal waters of Barbuda. Further, during the period of the curfew, 8:00pm to 6:00am, all vessels and tenders are to be confined to an established mooring position.” 

Yesterday, 31 March, the government announced a 24-hour lockdown effective from 2 April to midnight on 9 April, meaning no movement during the day by non-essential workers except for food and emergency supplies. This time period will be reviewed and may be extended. To see the guidelines of the lockdown, please click here.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, SuperyachtNews is dedicated to providing the superyacht industry with the most up-to-date and practical information available. If you have a piece of key advisory content that you would like to share with the market, please contact [email protected].


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