The 60 staff members of the Caves of Barbados have been paid severance.

The Harrison’s Cave attraction in St Thomas has been closed for months due to COVID-19 and with a switch in management happening the staff were made redundant received their severance and are being interviewed by CHUKKA Caribbean Adventure, the new lease holder.

Word of this came from the Caves of Barbados Chairman Ralph Thorne.

Thorne told Loop Business that he is most elated that the company was able to facilitate the paying of severance and in a timely manner to aid the staff.

He said:

“I am extremely pleased that among all the companies in Barbados that have endured the health crisis, the COVID health crisis, that coming out of that we have been able to pay severance to our workers and that is a quite outstanding achievement and I give credit to the management and staff that have run the Cave over the last few years that put the company in a position to be able to pay its workers their severance.”

Not gloating but recognising that not all companies impacted negatively by COVID-19 have been able to give their former employees this security, he went on to add: “We feel proud that we have been able to do it, to provide some financial relief to our staff members. We have over 60 staff members, and we have been able to do that, and we are extremely proud of that effort.”

Thorne spoke to Loop at the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. (BTMI) headquarters in Warrens on Wednesday (November 18).

Read the original article here